First, thanks to the group for adapting Mercury Messenger (Android) to the Escargot server and this user for creating a WLM 2011/12 theme. This giving me the idea to make it this theme for use it in android.
Hello everyone, I edited the application Mercury Messenger adding the real shortcut icon of Messenger and I have made some changes adapting it more to escargot. I have tried to make the app look like the real WLM as much as possible. After one version I share with you all tyhe second version updated I hope you like.
Installation & Configuration:
And go to Settings > Account > MSN (Uncheck Signout & Check Use Roaming Photo)
Mercury Messenger (Messenger 2009 Theme)
-Fix background bug
-Fix disconnect in 3G/4G/5G
-Fix format screen (now uses all the screen)
-Add support to news versions of Android