First of all, thanks to @Allen_Walker for adapting again “Mercury Messenger” to the new escargot server and Escargot Team to repair an make it a more stable server.
Hello everyone, I’m Jose and I have edited the application Mercury Messenger.
- Added Messenger name to the shortcut, application and menus.
- Added new server ESCARGOT.CHAT to the app (thanks to @Allen_Walker)
- Added the real shortcut icon of Windows Live Messenger (outside and inside the application)
- Added blue wallpapers and fixed resolution for smartphones with high resolution (fix mosaic mode)
- Translated more missing texts into Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin-Mexico), Spanish (Colombian)
- Added Escargot servers redirect in login screen for registration account and recoverd password.
- Partially small translations in Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brazil)
I have tried to make the app look like more real WLM as much as possible, within its limitations. I hope you like.
Version 1.0 (31/07/2020) - Launched (You can see old post here)
Version 1.1 (7/03/2020) - Updated server and improvements
And go to Settings > Account > MSN (Uncheck Signout & Check Use Roaming Photo)I would like that if you like it, the moderators add it to download to the home too thanks, regards