Windows 10

Everyone using that os which is he likes that


dude, my school library had windows xp, and those run windows 10. mind you, it doesn’t run fine, but it still runs.

excuse me what

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See when upgrading older computers, To Windows 10, They Don’t Run Well. Because The Hardware In It Is Only Designed To Work With The OS Preinstalled

bro. my old computer that had windows 8 ran windows 10 fine. it died because there was a hardware failure, not because of windows 10; this was about 2 years after installing it.

this makes zero sense, if the newer system have drivers available to it, then the PC will run perfectly fine
also all my main computers come with windows 8.1 and i upgraded to windows 10, k

of course, if you update an pentium 4 HT with 512MB of ram it won’t run fine, but i already saw alot of core 2 duos running windows 10 at full speed

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That’s not true, I have windows 10 installed on a 2011 Macbook Air that isn’t even supported with Apple so there goes your theory.

They have billions of computers to get right in terms of hardware, give them a break. This thread needs to be locked as you are giving wrong information out, bit like Fake News.

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Meh, good thing i didn’t write this thread. XP forever!:stuck_out_tongue:

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well, I think you don’t know what you’re talking m8. I have used Windows XP since it’s launch untill the launch of Windows 8. I’ve never used Windows 7 because I hated it, and Windows XP was way better than Windows 7 in that time. And now I’m using Windows 10 since it was on it’s beta version just for Windows Insiders. Windows 10 runs flawlesly on my machine, and I never had any problem with it. The OS is great despite it’s too simple design. Windows XP is way more vulnerable to viruses attacks, I can’t say nothing about Windows 7 though, I’ve never used it.

(Not because of the forced upgrades or anything)

My main problem with Windows 10 is that it looks like shit, the apps part is pretty useless, and the start menu with Cortana is also equally as useless. Windows XP sucked dick but at least it looked good. I had to format my harddrive after using 10 since launch and I fuckin’ hated 10, went to 7, love it. The thing I like about 7 is that it looks good, acts like I want it to, and has tons of mainstream support still.

To say that Windows forces you to install Windows 10 is stupid: you will not come across Windows 10 after restarting your Windows 7 if you do not give it permission to upgrade - whoever invents that Windows force its update to Windows 10 has allowed it install and did not even notice.

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Only if your some idiot on the internet installing everything without locking down XP by disabling useless shit you don’t need and having a decent AV that doesn’t suck your ram like lollipop

Explain how multiple people have reported forced Windows 10 updates from windows Vista, XP, and 8 computers, then?

XP, Vista users didn’t have them only 7 and 8(.1) users had :stuck_out_tongue:
(Besides the upgrader doesn’t even support XP/Vista xD)

Look, i have used vista, xp, 7 and have mained 2000 for a week in 2019 and i can say i do hate windows 10, but its not that bad to delete the System32 folder, windows cannot delete these folders, it does not make sense.

it is more vulnerable though, although, lets say 10 years from now, windows xp will be in the state like windows 2000 is today, and no one is gonna target it.

most of the viruses nowdays only target nt 6.x from my experience. Less viruses even run on nt 5.x lol :stuck_out_tongue: