I hate Windows 8.x

no one has heard of gnu hurd likely because it’s still in version 0.9,

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i think you mean no one has hurd of hurd

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haha funny pun :rofl: :sob: :joy: :sweat_smile:

thank you

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they don’t make trouble, at fucking all

explain this junk that i don’t find to be resource hogging nor annoying but instead makes the trashy windows 10 experience more enjoyable
background moment, don’t talk about it

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I have none of these issues.


i’d like to say that i stole this image and the png is fucked

fuck you all

at least its easier to get third party customization and modify how windows 8.x looks… unlike windows fuckin 10. can’t even release a big update without telling everyone about how something even worse has been broken this time and to not update yet. boy this idea of copying apple and os x is really gonna work out isnt it?

at this point i’m not gonna even post my desktop because i have to agree, an update can break alot of shit on your customized system

Hey, hey, calm down, please, calm down everybody… It wasn’t to get like this… Ok?

We’re just trying to correct you/convince you why 8.1 Isn’t bad. It feels like you’ve never used it!

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do you know what sarcasm is


i can definitely put a ton of blame onto windows 8 for why we ended up in the minimalist design hellscape that we’re in at this moment in time but really as horrid as that os is, once you modify it enough (with more ease might i add) it becomes a much better thing to deal with than 10


i think it was ios 7 that actually made it popular. microsoft started apple made it a trend

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yup those two suck ass. windows 8’s panel design never looked good but when ios 7 came out it was truly unique aand nothing else had thats tyle! and then everyone started following the trend and it became clear how empty the minimalist designs really are. unlike other trends which have leeway to let you be unique with what youre doing, minimalism is super strict, making things look like each other. also fuck xbox one and xbox serie- im sorry its just called “xbox” (??? thats another trend ive started noticing lately) because we all fucking known microsoft is just gonna be complacent in keeping the minimalistic panel design they can change somewhat on the insides and say ITS A WHOLE NEW OS when it doesnt matter cuz it still looks the same with AAAADDDDDDSSSSSSS

yeah i think flat design is just an excuse for being lazy

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whats worse is how current tech design inserts ads so much into your face. i cant even go into my windows 10 start menu without seeing yet another random cheap ass mobile game ported to pc in the apps menu

remember when the future was pretty? shiny things and gradients? Unique design… Lol