Error 80048821 when trying to login to Escargot MSN

I don’t even have “Use SSL 2.0” - only for version 3.0. I have Internet Explorer 11 installed on Windows 10. I only have Chrome as default browser since I hate Internet Explorer.

Everything about MSN is allowed in Windows Firewall. If I add the link as trusted in Kaspersky Free Antivirus in the Web Anti-Virus settings, the website just loads and loads and loads for maybe 2 minutes. After that it ends up showing a 404 page. If I disable Web Anti-Virus completely, the page returns as 404 immediately.

What to do?

That’s what’s supposed to happen. Try logging into MSN now.

It shouldn’t? The issue still remains since I can’t access the web server as mentioned in the image in my previous post.

The messenger server doesn’t need a webpage. it just needs to be connected. try signing into messenger.

I know that it dosen’t need a website. But if I can’t even connect to the server through Internet Explorer, then MSN can’t connect to the server either, since MSN uses Internet Explorer as source… or something like that. TReKIE was talking about in his first and second post in this thread. Link to his first post here: Error 80048821 when trying to login to Escargot MSN - #13 by TReKiE

the last screenshot you gave us to look at shows a 404 from the server. that means it’s connected that you are looking at a server domain. you should be fine to sign in. it doesn’t necessarily mean that you would be able to sign in easily. if you are getting a wrong password error then please refer to this topic.

Thank you, but the problem remain, even if I followed that guide for both Windows 10 and Windows XP. MSN 8.5 failed to connect on both operating systems (even if I know that version 8.5 dosen’t work on Windows XP, according to this forum).

The same issue remained on Windows XP after several attempts and minutes. After that, I installed version 8.1 of MSN and got the same problem despite numerous attempts (I gave up after over 50 attempts) and several minutes.

I am using the pre-patched versions of MSN.

Is it pre-patched?

Edit: Please read my message again.

No, the Escargot client.

Is that pre-patched or did you patch it in N++?

Please read my message from 19-20 minutes ago again.

Fuck I’m blind

Haha! Easy happen :wink:

i get the same errors on all versions i use win8.1 pro