Creating your own WLM 2009 server the easy way

it has information stored somewhere i don’t know and i can’t be fucked to clean it, so no i can’t do that.

So what can I do

(The certificate is installed)

I think I know what the problem is, and it should’ve been tacked in the latest commit I just added. :slight_smile:

Edit: Still not working, error code: 81000605

(replaced with new version, added new certificate)

seems that whatever commit was pushed to the branch broke the testing environment and probably unfix-able

i do have a server backup with a few test accounts which i will maybe release

Please do

This is epic, however when texting from one side the other receives it but the other side when texting to that side wont receive it lol

Apparently, I am attempting to create my own WLM 2009 server, and the downside is that I am running low on drive space.

OOF, if ya wanna do it so bad then ya gotta either clear some space or FRESH INSTALL :stuck_out_tongue:

I got the same problem last month.

ok then, srly waiting for official release

Try pulling the code from master now. Bug should’ve been fixed. :slight_smile:

i downloaded the files 20 minutes ago maybe :confused:

Where did you download it from?

Did you download it from here Files · feature/wlm2009 · Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab or here Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab

i downloaded from it ( )

Yh you downloaded it from the wrong area, @OhHelloThereImTheGuy merged the WLM 2009 branch with master so download it from here Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab

now gettting this error when i wanna make an user

Did you create the database first?

yes I did (if it did)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "script/", line 1, in <module>
 from sqlaltery import SQLAltery
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sqlaltery\", line 1, in <module>
 from .command import SQLAltery
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sqlaltery\", line 7, in <module>
 from .ops import Operation
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sqlaltery\", line 8, in <module>
 from . import util
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sqlaltery\", line 4, in <module>
 from alembic.autogenerate.api import AutogenContext
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\", line 4, in <module>
 from . import context  # noqa
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\", line 1, in <module>
 from .runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\runtime\", line 1, in <module>
 from .migration import MigrationContext
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\runtime\", line 15, in <module>
 from .. import ddl
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\ddl\", line 2, in <module>
 from . import mysql  # noqa
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\ddl\", line 17, in <module>
 from ..autogenerate import compare
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\autogenerate\", line 1, in <module>
 from .api import _render_migration_diffs  # noqa
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\autogenerate\", line 8, in <module>
 from . import compare
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\autogenerate\", line 12, in <module>
 from .render import _user_defined_render
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\autogenerate\", line 9, in <module>
 from ..operations import ops
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\operations\", line 1, in <module>
 from . import toimpl  # noqa
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\operations\", line 3, in <module>
 from . import ops
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\operations\", line 1924, in <module>
 class DropColumnOp(AlterTableOp):
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\alembic\operations\", line 130, in register
 "meth": fn.__name__,
File "C:\Users\vamos\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\", line 431, in dedent
 indents = _leading_whitespace_re.findall(text)
