soy el unico que piensa que tal escargot tenga que hacer una version que se pueda usar de yahoo menssager? digo antes un usuario de msn menssager podia hablar con un usuario de yahoo menssager
y eso estaria re bueno
April 28, 2020, 5:29pm
Hola. Por favor, puede traducir:
Escargot already has plans to release a Yahoo! Messenger frontend, which has been tested to be mostly stable. However, I need to finish a few more features for it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to work on it again yet because of the work I have to put in for WLM 2009 support, which is currently usable for messaging and presence, but Circles are incomplete for the time being, as I got the creation and invitation services for them working, but when someone accepts an invite, the client doesn’…
Hello people.
I just want to make it official that yes, Valtron and I got YMSG set up on Escargot. I say Valtron and I because Valtron kickstarted it with a simple TCP listener, a packet encoder/decoder, and some basic service code. I supplied the rest and eventually made it fit in the current infrastructure of Escargot. If you want to examine the codebase, go here: front/ymsg · feature/ymsg · Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab .
With YMSG revived, not only can we bring back one of the “Big Fo…