Which browser do you use?

Oh :stuck_out_tongue:

i haven’t used chrome since a long time since i switched to vivaldi (still chrome but different) and i’m now in firefox

chromium is a error xd

Can you stop for blyat sake

у чего имеется google chrome сделано у вас лол

ну видно же что ты через переводчик общаешься

veselcraft trying to start a war browser by the 28031872893 try
why i’m not surprised?

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Then, Microsoft Edge will become Chromium-based in 2019.
And it’s replace UWP version of Edge to Win32.

The ram eater.

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I use puffin browser


well, another corporation got into bad hands of google. yeah, maybe company is good, but he’s browser is shit. he’s fkng monopolistic, can not communicate correctly with the video card (tested by experience), and the interface is not flexible

about experience

Maybe is Beta

it’s exists on any version of chrome (shit)

i use the latest version of google chrome, it don’t lag to me, runs just fine on all my computers

Same for me.

you leaving at the theme
and read my message again please

and can not in multiprocessing, it isn’t normal web-browser, admit it

firefox is chrome with gecko and rewriting some parts of it to fucking rust

*insert rage here* *and swear words*
