In my pc, very good
rant rant war war
i used in a potato so
i used to run Vista as my main OS on my mid 2007 macbook, i had a great experience with it!
(if you want specs, it was a core 2 duo with 4GB of ram, and a integrated graphics card)
and also i recently installed Avast antivirus on it and cracked it (obviously with some keys i found online and i love how Avast still supports Vista, even the new version
avast free is a shit
true, but i got Pro + Cleaner and Driver Updater licenses, that means i have every avast features. Sandbox, Ransomware Module, etc
hmm, very good
set the category as “technology”.
thanks, i always forgot to put the category
last time i used Vista on real hardware, it wasn’t bad. It’s UI has some aspects from XP and worked like a charm, all the hate on it was because of rushed development and left many bugs in the RTM release, Service Packs improved it, but it didn’t improve Vista’s reputation sadly
better when you update and you can make it run windows 7 stuff if you really try it (making a wrapper and such)
i use on vmware
can you show evidence that the version of avast you are running is the latest and not 18.8?
It looks a lot like the latest, so i thinked that
could you DM me on MG and tell me what i need to update, i want this too
Platform Update: Vista 32 bit • Vista 64 bit
Download Platform Update Supplement for Windows Vista/2008: Platform Update Supplement for Windows Vista and for Windows Server 2008 - Microsoft Support
Also just for sake please install IE9 too
overall when i used vista it was pretty good, ran smoothly (after installing service packs) and i liked how it looked
Windows Vista… Nice in design but… has its bugs >_>
any system has bugs, and honestly SP2 fixed most of Vista’s bugs