Share your stories how did you found Escargot

i found it by finding it


A guy (my best friend) on my school is a fan of old things,he told me “Dude MSN is back !” i was like “Seriously ?” he said “Yes search (Escargot MSN Server) on google” then i find it and create my account there you go my story xD

I had old messaging and contacting applications on my mind, and I decided to look for msn messenger since msn was always neat to me :slight_smile:

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I found it on the Bob Pony Community.

Also, a bit unrelated, but i did use Messenger Reviver for a little bit in mid-ish-probably-earlier-2016.

Some time ago I remembered messenger, it’s not like I ever forgot but I got the feeling of wanting to use it again, so I searched if somehow someone made it available again and yep, found escargot