Refreshed and updated my own MSN server

Note: For MSN 2.0 login you can now login on website, to set a MSN 2.0 password.

when will it support versions later than 7.5?

hes gotta do it like how valtron and kirk did with escargot. reverse engineer

Yeah, but my main focus now is mobile support and more games

Updated website with patch guide, and resolved issues with older MSN.
Link to guide: Older MSN versions - OMessenger MSN Server


will it be possible to add tabs?

Yeah, id you habe any tips on which tabs :slight_smile:

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hmmm. i wonder if its possible to revive what was microsofts orignal tabs

These websites are no longer online, so it should be rebuild.

gonna support wlm 14 ,15 or 16 in the future?

most likely :stuck_out_tongue: but it would be as hard as it was getting wlm 14+ to work on escargot

the reason that wlm 14.x does not work is because valtron is missing to update the database and other stuff.the code (msnp18) is ready thanks to @OhHelloThereImTheGuy. for more information ask him.

Msnp18 requires some fundemental changes, it all depends on the reception. And activity that the server will get. After some research of old MSN libraries its not the hardest thing to implement.

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i would very much to test for you when you have implement msp18.send me a message when you like thanks for advance.

Looking for a few testers of the mobile PWA app.
If you want hit me up!

Will update with some new games, the next week


Will be looking forward to those (and it’ll give me an excuse to finally register). Glad to hear you at least have the time and resources to makes new games for MSN. Escargot’s still struggling here. :stuck_out_tongue:

et a quand la langue FR ?

ce sera pas pour le moment je pense

It’s Not For The Moment I am Thinking

ok x)