You know what, I’m feeling generous, so I feel like telling you guys how you can still register an
email address.
Yes, the Hotmail branding has since died off and is now, but the
email addresses are oddly enough, still obtainable.
Step 1: Go to and click on “Sign In.” You will be taken to a sign-in page. Click on “No account? Create one!” You will then be taken to a signup page.
Step 2: On the signup page (this is important), click on “Get a new email address.” Now you will see a similar-looking signup page as the last one, but now you have a drop-down list of email domains. The default value is “
.” Now obviously, we don’t want that, so click on the drop-down arrow. Now you have another option, the lovely “
” address. Click on that option and continue with the rest of the registration.
Step 3 (optional): Register the email onto Escargot, whydontcha?
Step 4: Enjoy your new Hotmail address.
~ OhHelloThereImTheGuy