Hello there! I am working on a short film which is set around 2002/2003 - it’s about the power of the internet and especially messenger applications like MSN Messenger.
I wanted to ask if anyone knows whether video chat was available in MSN Messenger 7? And would it be possible to run that on Windows 2000?
Does anyone have a screenshot of what video chat looked liked back then??
It’s important for us that we are authentic in our portrayal.
One final question - was any type of video chat available on MSN Messenger and able to run on Windows 2000? Or was this just introduced from XP forward?
Im warning people because this patch is unofficial and most of the antiviruses go nuts @Floobby has confirmed that with this unofficial update MSN 5 works on 2000
Seems that MSN 7’s beta introduced Video Chat, so it seems that’d be a no. Either way, video chat is unsupported on Escargot to my knowledge, same with voice chat too unless you’re using a local network, so that’s a shame
para mi opinion windows xp salio a la venta en el año 2001 y si el cortometraje se hace en los años 2002/2003 no tendras problema en iniciarlo con Windows XP
XPCat was mucking around one day and he got video chat working in 7.5 (i had to do it on an alt account, my main didn’t work for some reason). I recall opening a port on my router to get it to work
OK. Ports are: 5004 (UDP) for videochat, and 6981 (TCP) for voicechat
Hope this helps.
(If it doesn’t work, try making an alt account and logging on from there)
Uhh guys? He’s not asking about Escargot. He’s asking about what was available at the time and what it looked like. Yes MSN 7.0 worked on Windows 2000.
Also, from what @Megadeth58 said you might be better off with the older version’s look if you want it to look correct with the time period. I’m not too sure about everything else other than that yes, those versions worked on that system.
Funnily enough, I was researching old 9x cipher support to see if I can get HTTPS-based MSN clients working on those versions.
To be on the more related side, most people used 9x around 2002 - 03, so you could go with that (with an install of 3.6 - 4.6 to even use MSN on 9x). But if you are going with 5.0+, 2000 or XP would be your safe bet.
Guys - thank you so much, this is super useful. As you pointed out, we don’t actually need to get it working, rather just find out if it was possible (aka is it authentic for the time period). And it sounds like it was. I think we are going to go for something like the following UI on Windows 2000. I realise this is MSN7 (which didn’t come out to 2005) but it’s very similar to MSN6 aesthetically.
Yeah, version 6 and 7 were kinda the same in the area of UI, but there are some differences in the main program from just the UI. Also have you @helloamadeus ever used MSN messenger (any version).