Messenger Rich Presence


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looks neato

can i get the download link now?

Yeah sure when Visual Studio works.

and now? can you give the link to me? sorry i just cant wait :slight_smile:

Cease Your Impatientry


Youā€™re that hyped over a 32-bit version of a 64-bit application being released? We have better things to get hyped over, like WLM 2009 support in the proccess of being implemented very soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

i know it


Sorry for interrupt. (Iā€™m having some troubles. Iā€™m a little new of adding Discord rich presences to discord)

How do i exactly add it? I just need to keep the program open and Add Windows Live Messenger to the Game Activity list? Because i even tried with the rich presence program and there were no changes.

You only have to be signed-in in Windows Live Messenger and Discord and have the program running the background. If still nothing happens let me know.


Iā€™m launching .exe and can set up settings of the program but it wonā€™t show anything on Discord. Any ideas?

You might be a Discord Web user. Move into the desktop version of Discord and itā€™ll show.


First, Update to SP1, Second your PC must running Windows 7 64-bit.

but a 32bit version is already available
