Looking for KICQ contacts?

Hi y’all,
Reply to this topic with your KICQ UIN and others can add you to their contact lists! You may want to add your location, time zone, spoken language, or other details that might be helpful.

Please feel free to add me:
UIN: 541377
Nickname: KetaMnight
Time zone: Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)
Location: Elizabeth City, NC, United States
Spoken language: English (United States)
OS I use for ICQ: Windows 10 v1809 (might move to Windows XP Integral Edition someday, just for nostalgia purposes)
ICQ version I mainly use: 6.0

If you don’t have a KICQ account you can sign up here and refer to this topic about KICQ and how to connect to their servers here

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duplicated thread