I've replicated instagram's old servers!

i got this idea i’d say a week ago to recreate instagram’s old servers in node.js because i was bored and had nothing to do, and i finally have something that works, it’s far from complete but it’s usable!

you can post, like, comment, edit profile (including profile picture), you can also edit posts, i’m currently working on stories but they’re pretty difficult to understand lol

here are some screenshots of when i had my closed alpha server up tho!

i don’t know if i’ll ever make this project public in any way tho (source code, instance) cause it’s a fun little project i did on my spare time and i don’t want it to become hard to manage etc


holy shit bro that’s some holy shit

nervously waiting for open source code :o

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waiting for the server code to be released

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i might release the source code once i get to fully rewriting it for better reading etc cause right now it’s just a mess & maybe also implementing more stuff lol


yooo this actually really cool, interested to see what the backend actually looks like for instagram

well since it isn’t open-source yet i’m just gonna tell you the first thing i told myself seeing how the backend was: what the fuck

no cause i SWEAR this is the weirdest api ever… it was so awkward and just a LITTLE MISTAKE would make the entire app crash :sob:

oh yea that sounds like fun, who doesnt love a brittle frontend /s /s

Sooo nostalgic. Congratulations for this job :slight_smile:

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thank u! :slight_smile:

i am planning on making the source code public very soon btw, the code will be a bit messy since i still am pretty much a beginner in backend development (especially in node.js) but if you wanna help make it better contributions are always appreciated :wink:

That’s crazy

source code is now public!

i’m so sorry for the messy code <3

make sure to read the readme!