August 9, 2024, 7:52pm
hey this is a verryyyyyy old website i made when i was literally 11, it didn’t even function at all, and i don’t think there is any old actual functional MSN recreations as of now, maybe you could try to make one yourself, it’s very fun
if you wanna check out some of my new revivals here r the ones im currently working on:
i got this idea i’d say a week ago to recreate instagram’s old servers in node.js because i was bored and had nothing to do, and i finally have something that works, it’s far from complete but it’s usable!
you can post, like, comment, edit profile (including profile picture), you can also edit posts, i’m currently working on stories but they’re pretty difficult to understand lol
here are some screenshots of when i had my closed alpha server up tho!
[Screenshot_2024-04-20-15-30-18 (1)] [Scree…
so after reviving instagram’s old api i wanted to do something more interesting…
…reviving msnp, i knew this was gonna be more difficult but i have a lot of free time right now so why not!
for now the server only works from msnp2 to msnp6 (7 doesn’t login for now, but i am working on it), my plan is to make a public msn server, but before that i wanna try reviving at least up to msnp12/13
i’ve been working on it for two weeks now, may seem like i haven’t done a lot in such a long time but hon…