Introducing The Website That Anyone Can Commit To

A website where all pull requests that follow the guidelines are merged, this is not an another retro website revival project but a unique take on your typical GitHub Pages website. The link to it is TWTACCT and the link to the GitHub repo is GitHub - forkiesassds/twtacct: The website that anyone can commit to


To prove that anyone can commit to TWTACCT someone will have to make a change or a commit to their fork and I will merge them in a reasonable amount of time.


So someone made a PR over night and in the morning I merged it.

That was me who did the cable companies suck thing, the photo was from another thread on here, i didnt take (as in make) the photo.

Yea I know.

I added a silly thing

just made a PR


updated the 404 page for no reason

and now a index change

add my idk.html to it please

I don’t see your PR’s

nvm i did.

made another PR


How cool is this website?

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Nice and Clean :smiley:
And I think if I can code html again and Pull-Request to your page later :slight_smile:

This is a neat idea :slight_smile:

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Yea it is.

We are 5 commits away from 100 commits.