Introducing The Website That Anyone Can Commit To

Now 3 commits away.

made another commit, pr opened

new pr request

what the fuck, iā€™m a little pissed about my commit (little funny joke) who did this

another pr request

I merged it a few hours ago.

Come on? No activity?

when my dad quits the pc iā€™m gonna do an page and PR

Thatā€™s odd, I donā€™t see that you forked my repo and I donā€™t see a PR of yourā€™s

Do you think TWTACCT needs a domain?

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Where are my PRā€™s?

Desperate for commits? You do know that some people are more interested at RetroSite or Project Pheonix? (just, uh, trying to be future proof hereā€¦)

JE SUIS INTERRESE PAR PHOENIX!.. Corps ne semble pas clairā€¦tabarnak

hello I just created a PR for my page

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Merged as PR #32 because you made codefactor angry by putting px after a 0 and putting a useless whitespace

yeah sure, Iā€™m sorry about that lol

Do I make bad decisions? No. Does PF make bad decisions? Probably.

Jesus fucking christ ICTY, just stop complaining about me ever since 2003page was brought down (and then replaced with Project Pheonix,).


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Itā€™s a rip off from TWTACCT