I want to do live messenger 2011 software!

I like the fact that you are trying to contribute to the restoration of WLM



not true actually, if you look at CONTRIUBUTING.md on the respoitory, you can see it works on 4.7.2009 - 14

Uhm. It actually works with all versions from 1.0 - 14.0 (WLM 2009; although the live server only supports up to 8.5). IDK where you got the 4.7 part from.

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In theory, people can program pretty much anything. If you make it yourself though, make sure you have a good understanding of encryption and server upkeep - amateur messengers are risky because most of them can be breached super easily.

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How about #SaveTheKidsOnMessengerGeek

@trekie close this

eric no

why not

Cause it’s kinda rude and immature.

Ok whatever

Why the hatred towards the people who do these things?

Please don’t do like CatSpeak, errors.

I have 99.99999999% guarantee that it will be another CatSpeak or worse

Can we stop mentioning that one “bump in the road” from a year ago? I forgot about what the fuck CatSpeak/PF94chat/AleSpeak was.



It was another name given to CatSpeak.

I think CatSpeak is better than this, at least there is something for CatSpeak. But for this one, nothing so far.

edit: Eric from the Future: IT;S CLOSED, MY DAY IS COMPLETE NOW

There was nothing for CatSpeak, just concepts, that was it.

This project is discontinued.