I made my own messenger!

Your nickname: PPzudo

Your any message: stop asking about wlm 2009

Your any message on your language: parem de perguntar sobre o wlm 2009


you forgot translate this:

Login [Or just username]


Send instant message

Send instant message = Enviar Mensagem Instantanea

Login [Or just username] = entrar [ou apenas o seu nome de usuario]


these are the author’s notes.

Login = Entrar

I revised the translation, here is the revised one. Tradução Para o Português.txt (1.7 KB)

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Hi, here is translation for Spanish: https://bit.ly/2sxNYCi

translate.txt (1.7 KB)
Here you go, I did a translation for the obscure language known as filthy weeb.

Ok, i translated it to Spanish

Add contact = Añadir contacto
Delete contact = Eliminar contacto
Settings = Configuración
About = Acerca de
Help Index = Índice de ayuda
Search = Búsqueda
Getting user data… = Obteniendo información del usuario…
Oops! = Oopsybooby xD (nah, this is the same as you put there)
Getting user settings… = Obteniendo configuraciones del usuario…
Starting ad service… = Iniciando servicio de publicidad…
Done. = Hecho.
Getted new message. = Nuevo mensaje.
New message from %username%! = Nuevo mensaje de %username%!
Getting new ad picture… = Obteniendo nueva imagen de publicidad…
Save as… = Guardar como…
Close = Cerrar
Cut = Cortar
Copy = Copiar
Paste = Pegar
Select All = Seleccionar todo
To = A
Send = Enviar
Enter the nickname of the person you want to send a message to. = Pon el nombre de usuario de la persona que quieres enviar un mensaje.
Cancel = Cancelar
Example = Ejemplo
Connection = Conexión
Interface = Interfaz
Language = Lenguaje
Search = Buscar

Your nickname: Andreso

Your any message: Hello! i'm Andreso, who translated Veselcraft Messenger to Spanish, you can find me on MessengerGeek as Andreso2145, also if you wanna contact me, do it with my Email: administracion@andreso.cf or add me on Escargot Windows Live Messenger: urdanetaa19@gmail.com, in any way you contact me i will always reply, also if you want to see my content, visit my website (on Spanish): http://www.andreso.cf

Your any message on your language: ¡Hola! Soy Andreso, quién tradujo Veselcraft Messenger al español, me puedes encontrar en MessengerGeek como Andreso2145, también si quieres contactarme, hazlo con mi correo electrónico: administracion@andreso.cf o agrégame a Escargot Windows Live Messenger: urdanetaa19@gmail.com, de cualquier manera que me contacte siempre responderé, también si quiere ver mi contenido, visite mi sitio web: http://www.andreso.cf

Tnx for translating!

I already received a Spanish translation, but it is noticeably different

Your language = Italiano

File = File
Edit = Modifica
View = Visualizza
Service = Servizio
Help = Aiuto
Log in = Log in
Login [Or just username] = Connetti
Password = Password
IM Error = Errore
Logout = Disconnetti
My status = Il mio stato
Exit = Esci
Status bar = Barra di stato
Search bar = Barra di ricerca
Pin on top = Fissa in alto
Send instant message = Invia messaggio
Add contact = Aggiungi contatto
Delete contact = Elimina contatto
Settings = Impostazioni
About = Info
Help Index = Indice guida
Search = Cerca
Getting user data… = Acquisizione dati utente…
Oops! = Ops!
Getting user settings… = Acquisizione impostazioni utente…
Starting ad service… = Avvio servizio di pubblicità…
Done. = Fatto.
Getted new message. = Hai un nuovo messaggio.
New message from %username%! = Nuovo messaggio da parte di % username%!
Getting new ad picture… = Acqusizione nuova immagine di pubblicità…
Save as… = Salva come…
Close = Chiudi
Cut = Taglia
Copy = Copia
Paste = Incolla
Select All = Seleziona tutto
To = a
Send = Invia
Enter the nickname of the person you want to send a message to. = Inserisci il nickname della persona a cui vuoi inviare il messaggio.
Cancel = Indietro
Example = Esempio
Connection = Connessione
Interface = Interfaccia
Language = Lingua
Search = Cerca

Your nickname: Il tuo nickname

Your any message: Scrivi quello che ti passa per la testa

Your any message on your language: Scrivi quello che ti passa per la testa, nella tua lingua

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Hi, I’m translated Veselcraft Messenger into Ukrainian link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11n1db0L3fcpQZxBk-F81SYXCNLZAmejQ/view?usp=drivesdk


Нема за що

спірне переклад

About = Про

там має бути

Про програму

Згоден, моя помилка

this is for those who have not forgotten

the messenger is almost ready, it remains to find a remote all-day server and complete the multilanguage.
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wow! Great job, man!!

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Updated the file for translation into the native language

will it be possible profile pictures?