I made my own messenger!

Name: Veselcraft Messenger
OS: Windows Vista or highter
This “Messenger” works through the HTTP protocol, giving JSON object.
The project is not ready yet, however it can already send and receive messages.
Currently English and Russian are supported.

If you want to translate this on your language, you can make this!
Just download this text file and and fill in the lines.
translate.txt (783 Байтів)


What protocol oscar or msnp?


I want to make my own too!

I cant use it on xp :sob:

u can write client on delphi

I rather use nim

that’s nice!

I can help on Spanish Translation? my Messenger Mail is: urdanetaa19@gmail.com

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This is cool! I’d like to help with graphics and UI :slight_smile:

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Maybe i can translate to Lithuanian?

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Read UPD



read upd

write me in private messages

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Super cool, man! Although it is a tad bit plain at the moment, try spicing it up and adding some icons!

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it seems that I repeat the story of Alexey Avdyukhin - you are working on a project, and you are already helped by the community, and you see your program in different languages. it’s nice.

~~~~~~ Translate Veselcraft Messenger to your language ~~~~~~

Your language = Portuguese ( Brazil )


Settings = Íàñòðîéêè

[] these are the author’s notes.

File = Arquivo
Edit = editar
View = Ver
Service = serviço
Help = ajuda
Log in = entrar
Login [Or just username] =
Password = senha
IM Error = erro
Logout = desconectar
My status = meu status
Exit = sair
Status bar = barra de status
Search bar = barra de pesquisa
Pin on top = fixe no topo
Send instant message =
Add contact = adicionar contato
Delete contact = apagar contato
Settings = configuraçoes
About = sobre
Help Index = índice de ajuda
Search = pesquisa
Getting user data… = Obtendo dados do usuário
Oops! = Oops!
Getting user settings… = Obtendo configurações do usuário …
Starting ad service… = Iniciando o serviço de anúncios …
Done. = Feito.
Getted new message. = Nova mensagem obtida
New message from %username%! = Nova mensagem de% username%!
Getting new ad picture… = Obtendo nova imagem de anúncio …
Save as… = Salvar como…
Close = Fechar
Cut = Cortar
Copy = Copiar
Paste = Colar
Select All = Selecionar tudo
To = Para
Send = Enviar
Enter the nickname of the person you want to send a message to. = Digite o apelido da pessoa para quem você deseja enviar uma mensagem.
Cancel = Cancelar
Example = Exemplo
Connection = Conexão
Interface = Interface
Language = Língua
Search = Pesquisa

Your nickname: Seu apelido

Your any message: Sua qualquer mensagem

Your any message on your language:Sua mensagem no seu idioma


Your nickname: Seu apelido

Your any message: Sua qualquer mensagem

Your any message on your language:Sua mensagem no seu idioma

you did not write your message, although I even detached it from the rest

Oh, I thought I was supposed to translate that too.