I found a kid in Windows ME!

I’m 15 :neutral_face:, so yeah…

totally not related fun fact: did you know that rum was the preferred alcoholic beverage by the pirates?

well, rum was normally associated with them in stereotyping, but I kinda understood what you meant, just worried that my retro games were wasted money since Windows 7 has its limitations and win10 is heavily restricted for a lot of retro games with newer hardware not being support for those old games. And some games not performing well or worse on new versions of windows past Vista. I saw something about a way to migrate old games to GOG, but I can’t look into that since my schools blocks everything interesting at school and at home. We have no freedom on these Chromebooks. (Also we went from a kid on ME to retro games not being supported, what even is this?)( Also this website is breaking on my Chromebook, ugh so much artifacting on here :confounded:)

Some of old games are DRM free, you will not need to have steam running to play them.

yeah i’ll see which ones aren’t when i get home.

I think he meant to say “voilá”

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lol also how did you do the 2016 trick ?

change your computer’s clock to 2016? IDK just a hunch.

With this :stuck_out_tongue:

or that…

Oh cool lol but that would screw up the SSL sometime wouldn’t it

I dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

you aren’t the only one