How to sign in to skype 5 or skype 7 in 2023

i used the re skype server but it closed and i can’t sign in from It now i cant use old skype

well you have no other choice bc you only have tryskype
or actually use pinto instead. (not a revival but a skype 0.97 clone)

i tried to use pinto but it gives me error

in theory it might be shutdown just like what happened to vlod

what happened to reskype and vl0d: vl0d (aka owner of reskype) gave up because in theory its some incident that happened to me and ranvir. and so tryskype decided to make vl0d give up from reskype

so tryskype’s remaining.
tryskype is in discord tbh


how to get tryskype?

its in “skype classic” discord server
find it by urself idk

Ok so I’m here after some months,I use a very cool Russian revival called Kskype,it works very well

how to get it?!

That’s just a skin to web skype

no open it from firefox it wil work

if it have old theme-sounds so
no problem until a real revival fo ver 6-5 happens