Escargot Games: We got a new server

Yep, we got it.

The only games we have for now are:
Tic Tac Toe
File Sharing (closed beta)

Download here the Tic Tac Toe game: (609 Bytes)

(To install, just drop it in the MSN Messenger folder.)


How can I make/submit a game?

files are hosted by me, actually, (

We really need the Minesweeper Flags game.

shame it never got archived, even JK couldn’t save the stuff.

oh, and:

this is what i get even though i installed the thing

it’s a action bar thing, Alt+A, then Start (app)

I was going to make a “Minesweeper for 2” game for Messenger :smiley:

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is it working on wlm 8.5?


universal since 6.0, AppFIle is English though, planning to get messengergames.yellows.rf or something :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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just got!, will be new server soon!

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thats very cool

just make sure the server doesn’t go to “sleep mode” like in some free hosting services :confused:

it’s (InfinityFree)

finished! homepage looks like this:

downloads and apps will come soon!

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You just claim everything to your ugly name, yellow. COULD IT BE JUST ESCARGOT GAMES?

do you want to make around 50 xml files?

Exactly, you don’t.

My account, i get my own FTP, also, email was down so I put my contact email