Error Script

Cattura why this error?

It’s normal. You may skip it.

but if I try to click on a contact to send a message crashed

Any Fix?

now is impossible to use MSN for this error

try this

or this

if that doesnt work either, disable tabs

it works, one thing, I selected during the creation of the account the support to old versions of msn, I tried MSN 7.5 but always error connection is normal?

Can you give me the error code?

Blame @Craftplacer for making localization and @Maigol use Google Tags.


The Google tags are from @valtron’s host.

Also Craftplacer did nothing aside from supply a JSON file for the translation.


Try disabling firewall i guess

In the website code, there’s a useleess console.log() statement that prints the current language.
I believe that if I delete that the error should disappear

the firewall does not block anything, so why WLM working?

antivirus and firewall all off. pls help

Questa è la versione 7.5 se non sbaglio… Per riparare devi andare in

C:/Programmi(x86)/Messenger e sostituire l’eseguibile con la mia fix ^^

non va lo stesso, e sto usando quella già con la patch

non è che solo l’ultima versione funziona?