Error 80048821 - MSN 7.5 XP

Hey, I’m using Windows XP in a Virtual Machine with VirtualBox and i getting this error in MSN 7.5, I tried to deactivate SSL and activate TLS but doesn’t works, i tried to don’t click remember my account but it also don’t work, i tried to log on in my native Windows 10 with MSN 7.5, and it works, but in my Virtual Machine with Windows XP doesn’t works, and i need to work there, can you help me?

i already tried almost all the things are written right there

Because xp has issues with escargot you will need try again and again

Hmm, so I need to try to log in into messenger several times?


I will try that later, thanks! ^^

But wait, it’s normal that IE doesn’t load this page?

I think that error is the root of everything

Its normal

Oh right, then, i will keep trying.

If it’s a 404 its fine

If its a security certificate error hop over to msfn and get the root certificate updator

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MSFN is thea place, where thethe magic. Starts

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