Emoticon Creator 2 [New update]

(Sorry for the bump) Hey @Old_Bill i see theres no auto update .Thanks :slight_smile:

There is, it only shows when there is actually a new update.

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lol avira :stuck_out_tongue:

bump :slight_smile:

hi! im another bump!


why tho.

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so people can see it in case they havent

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bumpy roads


Cool, thanks for your work, good job… just wish we could have them emoticons in little bigger dimensions, not easy to achieve but well…

Thanks! :smile: :crazy_face:

My Indonesian contribution, @Old_Bill :smiley:

Please fill the following:

Your (Escargot) email: rlponys8@gmail.com
Your name (the one that will be put in the credits): Tiffany Lynch

About : Tentang

Help : Bantuan

Flip upper half: Balik separuh atas

Flip lower half: Balik separuh bawah

Random: Acak

Elements: Elemen

Lower half: Separuh bawah

Upper Half: Separuh atas

Save: Simpan

\\\ About message \\\

Made by Old Bill, 2017. Thanks to Jonthan Kay, Escargot, and everyone
who contributed to keeping MSN alive, and if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t
have done this program.

\\\ The message in your language \\\

Dibuat oleh Old Bill, 2017. Terima Kasih untuk Jonathan Kay, Escargot,
dan semua orang yang berkontribusi untuk menjaga MSN hidup, dan jika
bukan karena mereka, saya tidak akan menyelesaikan program ini.
