[DISCONTINUED] My latest project: Reviving classic ICQ clients - proudly hosted on TReXIoN

Server software has been shut down, so no more access to the Authorizer from hypersonic anymore. I don’t intend to relaunch the server anywhere else for obvious reasons. However, that doesn’t mean I might use the hypersonic server for other stuff. That day may come sometime… :star:

i hope a full revival comes soon so you don’t have to deal with requiring a phone number

sad you cannot connect to icq with third-party clients anymore

Oh shiiit…

Another one bites the dust. I am shocked that Microsoft hasn’t come after Escargot yet and other companies for other messenger clients.

Mail.ru always destroys everything it touches. for example, VKontakte - made paid music, crazed design, useless stories from Instagram and more.


Minor update: the startOSCARSession service that offered the BOS servers for ICQ to connect to now 404s. Can officially say that classic ICQ is dead.

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can we get a moment of silence for the fallen classic ICQ versions


what are the chances of creating an actual third-party ICQ server? like with OSCARlib?

Good, because it already exists, iserverd. I’m not sure whatOSCARlib is though

OSCARlib is an OSCAR library for Scala and its used as a protocol for AIM, which ICQ versions released during the time AOL owned ICQ uses although is probably tweaked in many different ways since you cant use it with AIM.

I know quite a bit about AOL, AIM, ICQ, and OSCAR. I just didn’t know what OSCARlib was, and the fact it was with Scala tells me it’ll likely not be involved in a recovery of the AIM service – not to hurt any fanboy feelings out there, but lets be realistic. Even so, essentially all OSCAR libraries are meant for client use, not server, and there is a slight difference.

As far as ICQ goes, yes you could (at least at one point) sign on via an AIM client with your ICQ number. Certain protocol extras were not available, but for the most part it was identical. The most significant differences were were that BART (buddy icons, etc) were handled a bit differently primarily for downloading in ICQ and AIM. Chat was also handled differently. There was an ICQ foodgroup (aspect of protocol) that was essentially a huge key value store of ICQ-specific information, it was also in little endian, as opposed to the rest of OSCAR which is big endian.

MORF (Master OSCAR Registration Facility) treated ICQ numbers as AIM screennames and passwords were checked in the exact same way, there was nothing to keep them from signing on via an AIM client, and some ICQ clients even came with login.oscar.aol.com as the default server.

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Hi and thankyou for all your work on this!
i have a question, i am testing with a 2003b client (fresh install) using my existing valid UIN and the specified server listed ( hypersonic.trexion.com : 5190 ) , however it is not connecting.
can you please let me know if i am missing a step, or do i need to use the settings on a client that had connected successfully previously?


shouldve referred to title

it’s discontinued. Mail.RU pulled classic ICQ’s servers from service months ago.
it does have a fanbase so idk, maybe some god who knows all things ICQ can help give us the ultimate replacement servers some day.

You sir are the prophet we have been waiting for, and I kindly thank you

i know its discontinued. but i think you may have miss understood both mine and the OP comment.

AFAIK only the authentication process is handled by TREXiON.

Hi, I installed ICQ version 6 on my real PC by i copied and pasted this host in Connections Option Menu.
Everytime i close. And when i click on Get a new account. It is non-functional. Please help :frowning:

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This Project has been discontinued, and you won’t get assistance on this.
Also, it’s said clearly you need an existing account, so :stuck_out_tongue: