Creating your own WLM '09 server the updated way

its better to just wait at this point.

yeah, the wait for the support is over and the server is under maintenance

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when did it start?

that now is work

It’s time to close this topic finally. WLM 2009 support is out.


then begin a topic to creating your own wlm 11 server

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How? Lol.

Yeah, no need for making a local server to use wlm 2009 when we have this:

UPDATE(16.11.2020): Creating a local server is no longer necessary now that Escargot has complete support for WLM 2009.
Navigate to the Escargot site and download the patched client in your desired language to get '09 going.


Could you close this topic now?

Oh good, it is closed now, thanks.