Beware of that person:

If i give you the password of the Maxime account, well, that means i’ve also given you my main Escargot account’s password and my MG account.

Even then, in the near future, the Maxime account may be re-deleted and his email may be blacklisted from signing up.

okay. i guess

i’d like to “ora” maxime i mean, smash him


he also sent me a contact request and idk who he was, until he sent me a .EXE file and made me run it

Do you still have it? We should probably take a look to see what it actually is in case there’s any steps you might need to take to eliminate the damage.


No sadly, I ran the file on a Windows XP VM and it erased the entire megabyte of the VM’s HDD (also I was chatting with him on the Windows XP VM)

It is twitch booster?

C’est twitch booster?

Well, I guess we know what it does then. I hope you were lucky and didn’t have anything too important in the VM.


Thank you for the warning!! Greetz from the flying Dutchman.

ye twitch booster funi xd

lol jaaj ptdr xd (that’s the creators in a nutshell)

thnx for letting me know :slight_smile: