An error occurred while attempting to install one or more critical components. setup will now abort. (Windows Live messenger 2009 Setup Escargot)

i download wlm 2009 from escargot but i see the error
i downloaded from escargot and i want install WLM 2009 but this error message says An error occurred while attempting to install one or more critical components. Setup will now Abort i just wanted to install this wlm 2009. can anyone fix this problems?


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Worked for most users.

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This error means that when you try to install a new component from Windows Essentials (versions such as 2009), but the Essentials package with other programs is already installed on the system. This can be solved by simply completely uninstalling the Windows Essentials package or by patching using Escargot Patcher (the program that comes in the archive, Name: RUN_AFTER_INSTALL.exe) or Escargot Switcher (archive with files for patching). :wink:

(Unfortunately this is the case)

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I have same problem how can i fix it and install Windows Live Messenger 2009 ??? please help

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OK. i found a fix!

First download wlarp below
wlarp.exe (1.1 MB)
Then run it
it will ask you something and click on the most logic button
It will show you a progress bar
then try to install it again and thats it!

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