This piece of garbage is still broken, gonna try something else.
False positive. From what I remember the last time I used Chrome you should give Ctrl + J and it will probably tell you that the file contains malware. Just ignore and open the file.
From what I found, Chrome refuses to let me open it
Disable Real Time Protection in your antivirus
Okay, I fixed the setup file
I think I’ve fixed it
I installed it, but does not opens, i clicked several times in the program but does not open
Huh. Strange. I had that issue at first too.
I think you need the regular version of Yahoo! Messenger installed too
But what Yahoo! Messenger version?
Version 6.00
Sankyu, i will see if works
add me omega_br
Link Please?
Whats the point of this post? just post “this piece of garbage is still broken. whatever.”, then post as a reply to some yahoo messenger related post
the point of this post was for people to download yahoo messenger pre-patched but the chrome kept saying it was virus then they took the link
How bout’ be patient? I think I lost the new tool I made so I’ve gotta start from scratch again.