If you don’t know what Y!MSG 4 Vista is, well… It’s awesome.
It’s basically what the title says and it’s pretty hard to crack open from my perspective
I found 3 public betas online so if you wanna download it and see 4 urself, here.
https://digiex.net/attachments/ymsgr_vista_setup-2008-06-30-1046_us-zip.684/ June 30th 2008 installer
https://digiex.net/attachments/ymsgr_vista_setup-2007-11-30-420_us-zip.6931/ November 30th 2007 installer
https://digiex.net/attachments/ymsgr_vista_setup-2008-01-11-428_us-zip.6932/ January 11th 2008 installer
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Also check out the website of Yahvitalized where there’s the installer links there too