Wow! My internet is so fast! lol

oh , the zenphone 2 have a x86 processor , this explains why it can run windows xp

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you…

That’s still wrong, though. You can use QEMU’s software-based CPU emulation.

but it will run slow as fuck , i think that a x86 phone is unfair to compare with ARM phones

Yeah, but it’ll still run. You said it can’t run.

i dont consider a system slow as fucks , basically not usable ‘’ running ‘’ , sorry but no , ARM phones cant run it

Running != usable…

For example, WLM 14 runs if you patch it to use the Escargot servers. It just won’t work. The executable is still running, though, isn’t it?

in a more literal sense, wlm '09 not working is like running and then tripping on your other foot

excuse me ? so a system that take 5 minutes just to open the start menu is usable ? you dont know what you are talking about …

Modem forever :heart:

Emmmm… Modems aren’t so fast.

More fast than my 125kb/s internet.

For your reference, != denotes “not equal to”.

In other words, running does not equal to usable.

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programmer humor much

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It’s not programmer humour at all.

thats the joke, cuz it’s not funny, wait wot

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