WLM 8.1 beta doesn't want to install!

Problem description: Fails to start up because the side to side configuration

Error code/error message:C:\path\to\messenger\beta\installer\Install_Messenger_Beta.exe
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the
event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.

What has been tried so far: Running it as Administrator

Messenger version: 8.1 Beta

Windows version: Windows 8.1


Best guess is that it probably expects a DLL of some sorts, but can’t retrieve it and fails. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I used Universal Extractor and it works now… and got an MSI file.
BTW: Someone should fix the Spaces tab to work with the new .com domain…