WLM 2009 problem

Problem description: I’ve been using 7.5 since forever and wanted to upgrade to WLM 2009. Downloaded it and everything is smaller. People’s pictures and mine are smaller than usual. Emoticons in nicknames are significantly smaller. I can’t see custom emoticons in conversations. The log in screen (picture and log in info) is also small and not centered like it’s supposed to. Everything seems really off. Anyone knows why it’s happening? Sorry for my english, I speak french.

Error code/error message: No error code

What has been tried so far: Everything I could that I know of

Messenger version: Windows Live Messenger 2009

Windows version: Windows 10

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Moi pire, depuis ce soir mon wlm souvre pu… (N)

No way c’pour ca que j’te voies pas en ligne :open_mouth:

Ouais j’comprend fuck all ya tjrs bin ete jai rien installe rien faite… Pi y’ouvre pu pentoute j’ai tout essayé lol :frowning: je peu tjrs me connecter a web escargot mais c plate en criss mettons -_-

Jai reussi a installer la version 8.5 ca fonctionne maintenant mais 2009 fonctionne pu lolll