Wip website made to replicate the early 2010s windows 7 experience

hi! i’m a web developer and ui designer and i’m working on a windows 7 clone in the browser! it’s essentially made to look and feel like windows 7. i recommend you use the latest firefox to experience it. if it’s down, it’s because i’m not hosting it right now.


cool! i have seen alot of these windows 7 clone on a web browser!

i haven’t seen any others! could you send them? :slight_smile:

Windows 7 simulator i only remember this one. i had to say its pretty accurate the simulator

“Michaelsoft Binbows 7”
And I didn’t even had to book a ticket to Japan

i made mikersoft bindows 6l9 ULTRAWE EDITWION

Uh what

Maybe it’s currently down

apologies! it’s back up now!!

It’s crazy to think that how Windows Live Messenger works is by people who are using the site right now.


idk if that is true they are mean!!

I don’t understand why people don’t use this more often!

I mean, it haven’t been really shared with the general internet (or else it would get a good amount of 15 active ppl on it)

this is unbelievably cool :smiley:

Hiya, just making sure people use the site!

still down i got argo tunnel error

It’s up in till some hours.

this now redirects to aerochat.live (nullptr’s wlm-themed discord client)
plz bring this back

oh soo cool! but wlm on homepage!