Windows Messenger 4.7 (XP) ITA + Windows Live Essentials

Good evening everyone, I’m new, my name is Manuela and I’m Italian, I hope to post this question in the correct section. I’m currently looking like crazy for these two things:

  1. I’m a computer enthusiast and I’m trying to run some old programs that I liked in my Windows 11 operating system, I was looking on the net for the Italian version of the very old Windows Messenger 4.7 (XP), I found downloadable only in English, I asked for your very kind and precious help, then I’ll start looking for other programs always in Italian that ran on Windows XP!

  2. Also, I kindly ask if it were possible to have the installers in Italian for all versions of Windows Live Essentials, (nowhere to be found now!) I think they go from the 2009, 2010, 2011 and the latest 2012 versions, I don’t know if they exist other versions, so I can finally add them to my collection!

I hope you can help me, a hug, thanks!


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Hi Manuela :slight_smile:

  1. Here’s the installer for 4.7.2009 for Italian.
  2. Here are the full installers for Italian 2011 and 2012. You can find the others in the collection.

Messenger 2010 is just a beta version of 2011, and if it was localized to Italian, I don’t have the files I’m afraid.

Thank you very much indeed friend, you have been very kind! :grinning:

Also, I wanted to ask how can I overcome the problem between Escargot and Windows Live Essentials 2012, I have read many threads talking about this type, basically I install Windows Live Messenger 2009 but it won’t let me install because of Windows Live Essentials 2012 (which use!) I tried to uninstall the whole suite and reinstall WLM 2009, but nothing, do you have any kind of suggestion to solve this problem?

Thank you very much!



ti conviene segregare i due ambienti, cioé avere un ambiente dedicato a Windows Live Messenger (che intrinsecamente è patchato per andare) e un ambiente separato per far girare Windows Live Essentials (banalmente una macchina virtuale potrà prestarsi benissimo).

Spero di averti aiutato!

Ciao LordEdgard!

forse hai proprio ragione tu, seguendo il tuo prezioso consiglio mi converrebbe a questo punto usare Windows Live Essentials 2012 direttamente sul mio sistema operativo principale che è Windows 11 Pro ed in seguito virtualizzare su un altro sistema operativo (credo Windows XP e devo vedere come installarlo) Windows Live Messenger 2009. Devo capire bene come funziona il mondo della virtualizzazione.

Grazie! :slightly_smiling_face:


Se hai bisogno sono a disposizione, ma dovrebbe essere un iter semplice.

A disposizione

Grazie infinite, sé né avrò di bisogno saprò a chi rivolgermi! :slight_smile: