Windows Live SkyDrive

I found the program SkyDrive. It gives this error … But I found a file with different references, can you try to replace them with the links of the new OneDrive server?

Path to file: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SkyDrive\settings

And Setup file of SkyDrive (just rename txt to exe)
SkyDriveSetup.txt (4,9 МБ)


i have the same problem :frowning:

why don’t you just get the OneDrive app from MS?

I need old version.

it won’t work, this version will use a different protocol than OneDrive.

it’s very pity(((

Ok I know the problem but hares a tip if you have or installed a old version of SkyDrive or OneDrive but if you have the install file of SkyDrive from 2013 the 2013 version does work!!! try to make a protocol or a newer server link :link: or copy paste all of the one drive links and edit the old SkyDrive

Server or protocol . Hope this works :slight_smile:

Install 2013:
SkyDriveSetup (1).exe (5.7 MB)


hi @Kos_Furler thank you for finding windows live skydrive. i was founding all windows live skydrive but i did it. thanks.

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i will try

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