Windows Live Messenger For iOS

We have Versions 1.2.1;1.2.3;1.0.1
Files required to be patched:
Focus on 1.0.1 cuz i think its based on WLM 2009

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sadly i cant test that because i dont have a jailbroken iphone however… someone tests with a jailbroken iphone and says that it works, then hey! maybe this is the first (and only as of now) a working msn client for iphones

i had a jailbroken iPad a year ago, i fucked it up and now it’s on 9.3.5 (which has the shittiest buggiest jailbreak tools out there so I’m not gonna bother with that anymore)

use altstore

i dont have any iPhone

so buy it lol what’s the problem

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  1. they are too expensive
  2. i dont have a credit card


So you’re most likely broke, i see

no. i’m just 13

Ohh, gogogaga

Jk lol good


If you did have a credit/debit card, get a old iPod Touch. They are EXACTLY like a iPhone, but without the Phone parts and has a smaller form factor. They even still have the Home button.

i have an iPhone i just need someone to edit GlobalSettings.plist and his INT brother and we can get WLM 1.0.1 to be functional without push notification.

Windows live essentials

bruh NO

look like the google drive link expried, i will test it if i got the link