Windows Live Messenger 9 soon?


no, thats raymonf trolling, 09 isnt coming anytime soon.

explanation: he wrote a webclient faking a version of WLM.


i knew it that it was him

As I said, it should be test works and reverse engineering.

Yeah, and I’m working on Switchboard sessions now :slight_smile:

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@Raymonf when you will add support for loging with real microsoft credentials, so we can check our inbox, by click the mail button? in my opinion it shoud be support for wlm 14.0 and above versions.

When will I?

What do you mean?

Will you add support for real microsoft credentials, so we can check our inbox from messenger?

@Raymonf had told me that unfortunately, they can’t and that they discussed this in one of Escargot’s GitLab issues (it’s only accessible to devs).