Windows Live Messenger 2011,2012

Windows Live Messger 2011 and 2012 running on escargot?

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Support for WLM 2009 is not even out yet. And you are asking if WLM 2011/12 can connect to a local server.

sorry i’m just a beginner:stuck_out_tongue:

We’re currently planning to set everything up for WLM 2009 support before we work on supporting 2011 and 2012. Also no, the current development build doesn’t support anything beyond WLM 2009 right now.


The Escargot website shows which versions are supported and which aren’t.
Why would WLM 2011/2012 be unlisted on the downloads page if it’s out?

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It’s out? :smile:

Uh… no. If you’re talking about @icanttellyou, though, then he just likes to say things to look smart or ward people off. Don’t mind him. :stuck_out_tongue:


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Escargot msn est t’il fiable si oui donne nous des preuve

Not sure if you understand English, but I’ll go ahead anyway.

I’ve heard people throw the same skepticism of Escargot and similar projects lying or duping people with viruses, and to be honest that judgement’s half baked. All the patched installers Escargot offers are the original installers for each version of MSN but with the necessary patches needed to connect to Escargot’s servers. All the unpatched installers (this includes MSN 1 - 4) are, well, untouched. No strings attached. Just the original MSN installers as they were built back in the day. For proof, I’ll attach both the hashes of a WLM 8.1 installer from enhanox’s MSN Messenger client archive (Install_Messenger_nous.exe), and one of the same installer from Escargot’s website (wlm-8.1.0178-en.exe):



As you can tell, both installers have the same checksum, and you can at least tell that we don’t joke around with offering the original software.

As for whether the service actually works, here’s a screenshot of one of my accounts logged in with WLM 8.5. On Windows 10. In 2019.

The code for the server and other Escargot-related stuff is available on GitLab at Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab and Escargot · GitLab, which should give you a good impression of our authenticity. If that won’t convince you then I dunno what will.


Merci parce’que avec les fake news je ne le savait pas je voulais un peu plus de précisions sinon merci quand meme

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Glad to hear we’re on good terms. :slight_smile:


Une dernière question eceque vous voyez nos conversation sur MSN ?


Mrc il y a aussi des fake news qui dise que vous regarder les conversation sur msn eceque c’est vrai pck comme ca je peu les contre dire

Mrc il y a aussi des fake news qui dise que vous regarder les conversation sur msn eceque c’est vrai pck comme ca je peu les contre dire

Est-ce sur un site quelque part ou Ă©tait-ce directement entre vous et les autres? / Is this on a site somewhere or was this between you and others directly?

Nn un fake news un inconnu qu’il a dit que vous voyez ce quand n’ecrit dans notre conversation MSN je veux juste savoir si c’est vrai ou pas ?

Je fait de la pub pour vous alors j’ai besoin de savoir stv je te passe mon pseudo instagram : windowslivemessengerfr

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OK, I think everything for me is cleared up now. I was thinking there was a site out there spreading malicious lies about Escargot, which has been done before but not on the scale you mentioned the news claimed. I’ll put this to rest now. :stuck_out_tongue: