Windows 2000 Pack is out!

You can download it on the site here:


Now we just need Windows XP pack. :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm. that would be easy to code but windows xp and 2000 are very similar

stuck out tounge :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

Do Not Worry Dude I Will Make The XP Pack Named XP Live

it wont work and what did it even came with

if you REALLY want to use my shitty pack here: Windows 2000 Pack 1.1.iso - Google Drive

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its not bad at all !

also xp live…is on hiatus for 1 year, i need to solve my mental breakdown problems

I hope you can solve it.


I challenge you to do all the packs form all the windows

i could… but why? why would i do that :stuck_out_tongue: i attempted to do windows 3.1 pack a while ago but couldn’t find the tools i needed to make it what i wanted.

Ok then if you cant then im not obligating you if you want you can do other packs if you want.