Winamp + Windows Live Messenger 2012

1)Go to: MessengerAMP 3.0 - Winamp + MSN Messenger 'Now Playing' plugin

2)To Download, click on MessengerAMP Plugin DLL (zipped)

3)Copy the DLL to the ‘Plugins’ directory. You can find it in your Winamp program directory
(for example: ‘C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins’)

4)Go on Winamp on Options and then Preferences

5)Select ‘General Purpose’ located under Plug-ins in the tree menu on the left side of the window.

6)Make sure that ‘MessengerAmp v3.x (gen_MSN.dll)’ in the list on the right side of the window.



get winamp from here Winamp 5.6.66 Download

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This works on escargot, btw


yes it actually does. i’m using it with msn messenger 7.0 flat out. :smiley: love the way it works. most of the audio I can’t play in wmp so I gotta use winamp.
Thanks to alexisnik19911 for the tutorial even if it’s about winamp working with wlm2012. it still works just as great in 7.0.


how did you sign in after the shutdown

The post is from 2015. Please stop spamming :confused:

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you should get a message box at the side telling you “this thread has not been active for (at least 2 weeks or something), do you want to revive this thread?”, sorry for the unrelated info, just pointing out.

@Raymonf what do you mean? the tutorial still works perfect on 7.5

wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwwww
Is working in my msn 7.5 / winamp
with mp3

you is so amazing! you is god


Super bump, but it seems like it works with WACUP and is also multicompatible with MSN Poligamy with different compatible versions! (2009 - 7.5)


idk if its just me but whenever i add (%m) it resets everytime, idk how to fix it