Actually i like him yeah i like hated stuff like Windows me
clippy cool
You like him?
he cute
people hate it because he keeps making questions , and this is anoyying
It says dont show this tip again lol i liked when he asked me. he was a virtual friend
Fun fact: I’m outlining this year’s MessengerGeek Retrospective, which is almost finished, in Word 2003, part of the products of the last version of Office that had the Office Assistant, and Clippy barely asked me any questions during the meat of the outlining session.
But I can see where people come from when they say that Clippy is a waste of time. They’d rather type up their documents in a beige cubicle with nothing else but the clickety-clacking of other keyboards in their corporate office.
Remeber this? I liked him too
now iam having a nostalgia attack , I LOVED THAT DOG
Same here man !!!
but in office 97 this is another story
He looks … creepy
In office ,97 clippy is old ?
idk , he is probaly newer
He is 20 yrs old
Nonono its creepy
This dog is just awesome.