Where are the skype emoticons stored? same with wlm 2012

whare are the skype emotocons guys ?? witch .DLL file and its same with

wlm 2012 too

In the really old versions of Skype, it’s a big static executable blob, which isn’t easily accessible.

In the final versions of 7, there was a SkypeResources.dll, and standard tools (ex. Resource Hacker) can get to them pretty easily.

In the (now obsolete) WinRT and UWP versions of Skype, the emoticons were normal images in the app’s hidden \Program Files\WindowsApps folder. With the current Electron version, I think they’re more packed in there somewhere.

In WLM 2012, they are in msgsres.dll as a standard resource.

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I would like to legit thank you for making me remember its name! I was about to say it was called msnres.dll, but thank you anyway.

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