I appreciate your efforts @Luis_Leandro, however finding the strings of the original server hostnames in Messenger’s various components has long been figured out, Messenger would have died permanently in May 2013 otherwise. This is the easy part.
A functional server/software to connect to that works like the original is where the difficult work is.
That said, keep exploring as that’s how one learns
The old (test) servers, Microsoft had 3 that are referenced:
Live (Release Server)
PPE/Pre-Production Environment (Main Test server for Beta/Dev Stuff)
Int./Intenal? (Microsoft Internal Testing [Guess])
Well the title of the post is “Cuando comienzen a parchear WLM 2009” but in English but apparently the google translator puts (in English) “Cuando COMIENZAN a parchear” is just an error of the translator nothing more