When they start patching WLM 2009

Hello, when I started “patching” WLM 2009 I got some new links in the application, and these are:


I hope @valtron can patch WLM 2009
(Google translated Spanish → English)

I presume that most of the links are only alternate links when the main links aren’t accessible (or they’re placeholders, but that’s highly unlikely).

We only need to “patch” the main links because those are the links that Messenger will 100% connect to.

(As for “contacts.msn.com” and “storage.msn.com,” we’ll see what we can do about them :stuck_out_tongue:)

DUDE, I THOUGHT WE ALREADY FIXED THIS PROBLEM (the “when wlm 2009?” thing)
Valtron is working on it every day in his free time. Give him time.

._. ok

Actually, @valtron’s quite busy, from what he has told me in our email convos.

That’s why progress has stagnated a bit. It also means it will take much longer for him to get WLM 2009 to work with Escargot. :stuck_out_tongue:

(As for me and YMSG protocol implementation, read here: Escargot and YMSG (Yahoo! Messenger) - #33 by OhHelloThereImTheGuy)

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That’s why I said “In his free time:stuck_out_tongue:

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Your original reply made it sound like he has time to spare every day. :stuck_out_tongue:

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oops… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I appreciate your efforts @Luis_Leandro, however finding the strings of the original server hostnames in Messenger’s various components has long been figured out, Messenger would have died permanently in May 2013 otherwise. This is the easy part.

A functional server/software to connect to that works like the original is where the difficult work is.

That said, keep exploring as that’s how one learns :slight_smile:


The old (test) servers, Microsoft had 3 that are referenced:
Live (Release Server)
PPE/Pre-Production Environment (Main Test server for Beta/Dev Stuff)
Int./Intenal? (Microsoft Internal Testing [Guess])

I installed and “patched” WLM9 on Windows XP, and Boom, i got this!

Translated: Your contact list is not avaliable in this moment, try again later
Error code: 80072ee7

But the error is different in WIndows Vista+

Error:Unable to login to WIndows Live Messenger since the service is temporarily unavailable. Try again later
Error code: 80040154

i would understand windows xp not working, as not even 8.5 or 8.1 work on it, but the vista+ is just cause theres no way YET to patch it.


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Jeez! :expressionless:
He only tried patching WLM 2009 as an attempt (a failed attempt, at that).

@Leo_Historias was bugging us about WLM 2009, along with being annoying in general.

Is WLM 2009 some sort of curse to you? :confused:

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Okay true, but I didn’t want him to make 34,879 posts complaining about WLM 2009

Did @Leo_Historias implant some sort of PTSD onto you? Because that sounds UNBELIEVABLY irrational. :confused:

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Well the title of the post is “Cuando comienzen a parchear WLM 2009” but in English but apparently the google translator puts (in English) “Cuando COMIENZAN a parchear” is just an error of the translator nothing more :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop making a huge deal out of that comment I made.

I’m not. I just wanted to point that out. :stuck_out_tongue:
