What's your opinion on Furries?

Pretty curious on what you guys think, I’ve seen a few furries here


As long as they don’t like animals sexually, that’s cool with me.

Furries don’t do anything sexual with animals, people that do are “zoophiles” and aren’t related to furries


It’s alright, everyone do yourself. I actually have a friend who is really into the community. Alot of techies are also furries which is quite nice I guess. But if you pick at someone for being a furry then ur rly low



Yeah there’s a lot of tech furs!

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i mean you represent yourself however you want idc

some of the more extreme points of the community (babyfurs, etc.) are good for a round of mockery, but if it isn’t extreme i literally couldn’t care less

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i430VX is a furry, you should check im out. I think you’ll like him.

I know him (kinda), He’s pretty active on the forum MSFN

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true, babyfurs are pretty pathetic. Other than that people can express themselves how they want. Arrogant furries are the worst kind though imo lol

i was one and thats all i can say

oh god babyfurs :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

furry bad minecraft good

ok Raymonf

thank you raymonf very cool

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ok boomer



fortnite bad raymonf good minecraft god

This forum isn’t for msn anymore is for random post sadly

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this forum is techinally to talk about old messengers in general, not msn only
but yeah, raw and random is kinda out of control