What should i install on my windows xp vm?

you can suggest anything you want!
(don’t suggest malware/virus/adware)
should work on windows xp btw

msn messenger escargot (as long as the vm is installed in virtualbox because msn messenger only runs in virtualbox)

this is still open for suggstions!

  • winamp
  • mypal (bc it works perfectly than firefox)
  • virtual pc 2007 (vm-ception)

ok ill should delvier

i have MSN working on VMware perfectly, smh

“whoever patches msn with vmware, deserves to uninstall vmware itself :smile:” -vmware, 2001 (vmware does exist in 1996)

VLC media player, WinRAR 6.02.

@all so my vm broke but I will be fixing it soon from a update

@here its fixed now!

You could install some random PopCap game, some of them might work, not all of them tho

You can also install Avast! Antivirus (from 2000s) to get that fresh 2000s air or smth

Get the Black Theme or Plus! For WXP, it got lots of themes in there and a random dancing thingy

maybe Super Mario Forever (check with virustotal if it’s a virus or not, since there are a bunch but not all of them being a virus or Spyware)

Word 2003 or 2007 would look good at the desktop

Old (2013) VLC Media Player

Maybe Install WinZip just because it looks old

Get old Chrome too

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thanks! ill give it a try


tried in vmware and failed

Maybe some CD-Rom games? (Oh boy I have a lot of them) or icq messenger with kicq
